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Ley Lines and Magic

An excerpt from “A Discussion of Magical Energies and Metaphysics” by Albert Straussburg:

"...While there are individuals which appear to possess innate supernatural powers, most utilize magic through years of study gained from knowledge obtained in arcane tomes. Such magic is ritualistic at its core, requiring precise gestures, components, and the utterance of specific phrases. One that is adept at magic can eventually become so practiced that simple manifestations of the arcane can be done quickly for specific spells. However most magic, particularly with novices, require close proximity to ley lines.

These are lines of magical power that cross the entire globe. While not visible to the naked eye, ancient texts claim that some with the Sight are able to observe these thin lines of gold and white, no greater than a hand’s span, running across the surface of the ground. Many of these lines are separated by great distances however a few will cross paths, creating a site of intense magical energy. Some locations are even a nexus of a dozen or more lines. Many are long standing monuments to pagan rituals and ancient religions, such as the great pyramids and Stonehenge. While others are rather innocuous, such as a small town located in east Texas.

Locations where these lines cross are coveted by wielders of magic and students of the occult. Great power surges through ley lines, and are amplified when they pass over each other. The more powerful the ritual, the greater need for the intersection of several ley lines. 

It is also described in ancient, occult texts that areas which have many intersecting ley lines result in a weakened boundary between the physical world and alternate dimensions. They can allow demons and spirits both malevolent and good to seep into our world. These locations are also magnets for creatures of the supernatural, possibly drawn to their magical power.

There are precious few maps that document ley lines, and even those still have maybe a quarter undiscovered. Quite possible these are within caves and deep flowing aquifers. All of which makes locations of known ley line intersections even more sought after by occultists..."

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