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Veil of Disbelief

Ask any person on the street and they’ll tell you monsters and the supernatural do not exist, there is a rational explanation for everything. True students of the occult are continually up against this public perception. However after years of efforts to demonstrate tangible evidence another theory has surfaced, people are incapable of seeing the supernatural. 

Renowned parapsychologist, Albert Straussburg has put forth the theory that humans innately suffer from some type of mass hallucination where they simply are unable to accept the supernatural is real. People will attempt to utilize the most convoluted reasoning to justify any experience otherwise. A ghostly visage will be explained as a hallucinatory reaction to black mold. A rended corpse in Arizona will be viewed as a likely attack from a polar bear which escaped from a private zoo. The normal person might briefly accept events of the supernatural, but hours later lapse into a stalwart view of “reason and science”.

It’s possible this is a defense mechanism. A way of the psyche to defend itself from possible insanity knowing the truth. However for those few with the sight or knowledge of the occult, this phenomenon the general public experiences can be frustrating.

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